Is Your Facility at Risk for Combustible Dust Hazards?

In 2022, a staggering 163 fires, 50 explosions, 89 injuries, and 49 fatalities were recorded due to combustible dust incidents. These alarming statistics call attention to the persistent threat and severe consequences associated with combustible dust in industrial settings. As safety professionals, it is crucial to increase safety knowledge and take proactive measures to protect both your facility and the surrounding community.

Combustible dust hazards are a serious concern across various industries, including manufacturing, agriculture, and processing. Fine particles suspended in the air can ignite under certain conditions, leading to fires and explosions with devastating outcomes. Combustible dust comes in various forms, including organic dust (coal, flour, grains, sugar, and wood), metals, plastics, and pharmaceuticals.

To enhance safety protocols and mitigate the risks associated with combustible dust, it is essential to conduct a Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA). A Dust Hazard Analysis is a systematic review mandated by NFPA 652 (2019) that identifies and evaluates potential fire, flash fire, or explosion hazards associated with combustible particulate solids in a process or facility. It involves assessing the combustibility or explosibility of materials through historical data or laboratory analysis.

Key Steps in the DHA Process:

  1. Determine the Presence of Combustible Dust: Identify areas with combustible dust to initiate the DHA process.
  2. Assemble the DHA Team: Form a knowledgeable team to conduct a comprehensive analysis.
  3. Identify Applicable Standards: Ensure compliance with relevant standards, such as NFPA 652.
  4. Conduct DHA: Evaluate various aspects, including dust transport, fugitive dust generation, and potential ignition sources.
  5. Review Process/Operations: Compare findings against applicable requirements to identify gaps.
  6. Make Recommendations: Develop strategies to mitigate identified hazards.
  7. Document the Review: Maintain a comprehensive record of the DHA process and findings.
  8. Implement Recommendations: Execute recommended measures to enhance workplace safety.

IFO Group stands out as a trusted partner in combustible dust hazard management. Our DHA experts provide process evaluation, including potential ignition sources, and coordinate analytical testing to determine combustibility before offering management strategies. By choosing IFO Group, facilities can prevent catastrophic incidents, protect workers, avoid fines, satisfy regulatory requirements, and ensure business continuity.

Benefits of Choosing IFO Group:

  • Expertise: Our team consists of experienced professionals with in-depth knowledge of combustible dust hazards.
  • Compliance: We will work to ensure that your facility meets the requirements of NFPA 652, providing peace of mind and regulatory adherence.
  • Tailored Solutions: IFO Group tailors its services to the specific needs of your facility, offering personalized recommendations for enhanced safety.

The alarming statistics from 2022 highlight the critical importance of addressing combustible dust hazards in industrial settings. By prioritizing safety and investing in expert services like those offered by IFO Group, employers can proactively mitigate risks, protect their workforce, and contribute to a safer community.  IFO Group’s expertise in conducting DHAs not only ensures compliance with OSHA and NFPA standards but also actively contributes to creating a workplace that prioritizes safety and mitigates the risks associated with combustible dust. Safeguard your facility, protect your workers, and ensure regulatory adherence by partnering with IFO Group for your Dust Hazard Analysis needs.  Contact us at or at 832-403-2135 to request a free consultation.